I apologize for the delay in posting, Blogger and my PC have not been getting along well lately. Though I must admit, my PC is by no means new, and therefore has a mind of its own sometimes. I literally prayed my way through the loading process tonight for these pictures!

This is one of my absolute favorites. Five of the girls from Santo Domingo School who spent the day with us at Campo Alegria, looking out over Lake Nicaragua. I miss these girls.

Becky, Pastor Dale, and Jeannie using the 'Little House on the Prairie' type well at the Morenco's home. This well is magnificent, bricked all 35' down into the lake water, as the home is right near the shore. We hauled countless 5 gallon bucketfulls of water from this well to the construction site nearby to soak bricks, mix mortar, etc... What an experience!

Some of the children at Santo Domingo School in San Jorge during class. We visited their school on our way out of town to see about some swings that are in need of a little TLC. They were pretty excited to see us again! As we were them.